Overcoming Online Persistence Challenges With The Trojan Café (Part 2)
The Trojan Café provides online students with opportunities for social interaction, support and...
Amanda Smothers | Assistant Director of Student Engagement for eTROY, Troy University
The Trojan Café provides online students with opportunities for social interaction, support and...
Michele Siqueiros | President, Campaign for College Opportunity
Though America’s College Promise and other free two-year college tuition plans do great work in...
Ben Cannon | Executive Director, Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission
The Oregon Promise provides exciting opportunities to create access to higher education for...
Timothy Gordon | Dean of Students, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Minimizing transactional distance for online students by ensuring services are designed with their...
Deborah Bushway | Interim Associate Dean, University of Wisonsin-Extension
There are three key innovative areas that can support student retention in the online space, but...
Beth Brunk-Chavez | Dean of Extended University, University of Texas at El Paso
Status quo student management is ineffectual in the fully online space; students require a greater...
Eric Riedel | Chief Academic Officer, Walden University
Creating the conditions for adult students to progress through and succeed in their postsecondary...
Walter Rankin | Deputy Dean of the School of Continuing Studies, Georgetown University
Engagement techniques like involving students in the decision-making process for course features...
Timothy Renick | Senior Vice President for Enrollment and Student Success, Georgia State University
The secret to supporting the success of high-risk students is simply understanding their needs and...
William Sigismond | Director of Experiential and Adult Learning, Monroe Community College
Creating a tailored experience for adult students is the best way to retain adult learners once...
Non-traditional students are particularly price sensitive, and institutions that design programs...
Melisha Childs | Administrative Support Specialist, Troy University
By focusing on understanding, tracking and meeting customer demands, institutions can drive...