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Deborah Bushway | Interim Associate Dean, University of Wisonsin-Extension

Deborah Bushway | Interim Associate Dean, University of Wisonsin-Extension

Current Position and Past Experience
Deborah Bushway is the Interim Associate Dean at the University of Wisconsin-Extension. This followed six years as the Vice President of Academic Innovation at Capella University since 2009. During this time, Bushway spent a year as the University’s Interim President and two years as the University’s Provost. Bushway began her time at Capella as the Dean of the Harold Abel School of Psychology.

Prior to Capella University, Bushway spent 18 years as the Chair of Metropolitan State University. This followed her time as a Clinical Counselor, Adjunct Faculty Member and Coordinator of Outreach Programming at the University of Illinois, Champaign.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Bushway earned her BA from the Central University of Iowa. She earned her MS from Iowa State University and earned her PhD from the same institution. Bushway completed her Doctoral Internship at UC Irvine and studied German at the University of Vienna.

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