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Amanda Smothers | Assistant Director of Student Engagement for eTROY, Troy University

Amanda Smothers | Assistant Director of Student Engagement for eTROY, Troy University

Current Position and Past Experience
Amanda Smothers currently serves as the Assistant Director of Student Engagement for eTROY at Troy University in Troy, Alabama. She has worked in administration at Troy University for more than 14 years, holding a number of positions including six years as Assistant Director of Academics. The majority of her work at the university has been in the area of online education.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Smothers earned a Bachelor of Science in Studio Art from Troy University in 2001. She is now completing a Master of Science in Counseling and Psychology at Troy as well. She is a member of Chi Sigma Iota Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society International and Phi Kappa Phi.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Amanda has a deep passion for the arts. She enjoys painting, sketching, photography, guitar, singing, and theatre. Travel and nature are both interests that inspire her creatively. Art therapy is an area she is actively pursuing while working with adolescents at a local group home for girls. Amanda is married to John and they have two daughters.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review