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Walter Rankin | Deputy Dean of the School of Continuing Studies, Georgetown University

Walter Rankin | Deputy Dean of the School of Continuing Studies, Georgetown University

Current Position and Past Experience
Walter Rankin is the Deputy Dean of the School of Continuing Studies and Executive Director of the Center for Media, Culture, & Social Good at Georgetown University. He took on this role in 2014 after serving as the Interim dean from 2012-2014. Rankin also serves as Senior Advisor to the Provost for Accreditation & Special Projects.

Prior to this he was the Senior Associate Dean at Georgetown and the Deputy Associate Dean at George Mason University where he was also an affiliate Associate Professor of English and German.

He has taught culture, language, and literature courses at Georgetown, George Washington, Hampton, and George Mason Universities, and he has published extensively on literary, film, and pedagogical topics. He is the author of Grimm Pictures: Fairy Tale Archetypes in Eight Horror and Suspense Films and is currently working on his second book that looks at images of Nazis in both American and German propaganda films from WWII to modern-day references in popular culture.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Rankin received his BA from Christopher Newport University in 1992. He completed his PhD at Georgetown University in 1998.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Outside of work, Rankin regularly takes part in charity races and competitions like the Warrior Dash, Spartan Run, and Marine Corps Marathon.

Walter Rankin can be found on LinkedIn.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt