Employee Training: Enabling Employees to Succeed or Enabling Their Job Search?
Ongoing learning sometimes provides an employee with a pathway to a new career, but the value of...
Peter DeVries | Chief Operating Officer, Destiny Solutions
Ongoing learning sometimes provides an employee with a pathway to a new career, but the value of...
D. Bruce Dearing | Program Lead Instructor and Assessment Coordinator, San Joaquin Valley College
A learning organization that wants to continuously grow and improve must have three core...
Andrés Fortino | Partner, Paradigm Research International
[caption id="attachment_5563" align="alignnone" width="600" caption="Higher education’s role is...
Andrés Fortino | Partner, Paradigm Research International
The 21st century belongs to the creatives, and higher education institutions must ensure their...
Walter Smith | Learning Design Consultant, Affective Learning Systems
By identifying and separating the different types of knowledge allows for better workplace learning...
LaNice Hill | Computer Teacher, Oakdale Christian Academy
In order to become a truly great teacher, one must go beyond the textbook and attend workshops and...
Marilyn Glazer-Weisner | Language Program Coordinator, Cambridge College
Ongoing education allows professionals to strengthen their skills to perform better in their...
Simon Quattlebaum | Teacher, New Jersey Public Schools
Teacher development has moved beyond simple in-service workshops and has expanded into a more...
Mike Hammer | Blended Workforce Solutions, SP3M Group
While unemployment is becoming a reality for increasing numbers of people, higher education geared...
Rob Bohlen | Learning and Performance Consultant (currently serving TELUS)
The principles of scaffolding show that the technology itself does not make a professional learning...
Jessica Fyffe | Human Resource Assistant, Stanley Consultants
Finding more ways of ensuring employees take accountability for the learning their employers are...
Darlene Morrison | Adjunct Instructor, Burlington County Community College
Engaging in continuing education helps professionals secure themselves in their positions and sets...