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The Value of Workshops and Continuing Education for Teachers

“Some of the best years in life are the time spent as a child and later our collegiate years… As working adults in a fast paced society, we sometimes forget just how precious and fleeting those years are” (Peter W. D. Wright, Pamela Dar, and Suzanne Whitney).
Good teachers become great teachers by going beyond the call of duty and beyond the textbook. To do this, he or she must continue their education. There are conferences, workshops, and continuing education that could give the teacher that extra help in technology for their students. There are online workshops, and classes that teachers could attend as well as on-site workshop and classes.
Administrators should encourage their teachers to continue their education as well as make opportunities available for them to do so. Moreover, administrators and districts should offer to either pay or help pay for the classes and workshops. There are workshops on how to integrate technology into the classroom and how to make it cross curricular. There are also conferences that will have several workshops all at one time so that teachers and administrators can go to more than one workshop at a time. These conferences will give the teacher the information and tools they need to integrate technology in the classroom as well as CPDUs (Continuing Professional Development Units) to help their career.
There are many things that we as educators and future administrators can do to further our education and increase our ability and the ability of our students. For my part, not only do I try to attend workshops, but I give workshops at the conferences and at my school as well. When I attend and give workshops, I learn how to improve my skills in the process. We must also remember that technology is forever and quickly changing. The moment you have purchased new technology, it has become out of date before you get it home. Therefore, we must immerse ourselves in what is new and current to better the lives and education of our students.
On my personal journey to complete my MBA, although my school was not financially supportive, they were supportive in other ways. I was allowed to leave early if I had a meeting with a professor or I was excused from after-school meetings to allow me to get to class on time. “Value added” is the enhancement that students achieve (to their knowledge, skills, abilities and other attributes) as a result of their higher education experience. I have not only added value to my life, but to the lives of my co-workers, administrators and students. I understand that private schools cannot afford to help their staff with their education, but I wish they would give bonuses or a salary increase as an incentive for them to further their education or to stay at the school.
I have come to realize the importance of good leadership skills and exactly what that consists of. A good leader shows you what to do rather than telling you what to do, that is a dictator. Leadership skills include listening, communicating, experience, care and concern to and for your employees. I am finding that these skills are not only important for good leadership, but life as well. You must invest in your career, as well as your personal and educational life. It is important for schools to understand that making a good investment in your employees will lead them to invest in you.
To conclude, my goal as an educator and an educational leader is to impart a passion for education within the classroom. I expect to provide an environment that is encouraging and positive for my students and staff. I hope to provide the skills and tools necessary for success and foster the talents of each individual. In doing this, I will give them the confidence to embrace their dreams and make them a reality. Once the students have moved on, they will remember me as a teacher who was genuinely concerned for them and their wellbeing. Once I have moved on, my peers will remember me as a professional who was eager to help develop the school community and was always eager to mentor the children.
Author Perspective: Student