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Marilyn Glazer-Weisner | Language Program Coordinator, Cambridge College

Marilyn Glazer-Weisner | Language Program Coordinator, Cambridge College

Current Position and Past Experience
Marilyn Glazer-Weisner is currently the Coordinator of the Ladder to Language Program at the Merrimack Valley Regional Center of Cambridge College, a position she has held since May 2012. She is also continuing as a Professor of Spanish at the same institution. Since 1997, Glazer-Weisner has been a instructor of Spanish and/or English as second languages at North Shore Community College. In addition she has created college-level courses and taught courses to support high school students achieve academic success and learn to mentor middle school students. She was the Career and Higher Education Specialist with the Crittenton Women’s Union from 2010-2011.

While at North Shore Community College, Glazer-Weiser has also held positions as a Trainer, Admissions Counselor, Career Coach and Advisor. Between 2009 and 2010, Glazer-Weiser took on the role of program design specialist and curriculum specialist for Project YES, an after-school program that serves middle school youth who are identified as at-risk of joining street gangs. She also has worked with high school students as a curriculum designer and instructor with Northeast Metropolitan Regional Vocational and North Shore Technical High Schools.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Glazer-Weisner earned her Bachelor of Arts degree at Tufts University, magna cum laude in 2001. She earned an Associates of Arts degree in 1999 from North Shore Community College and her Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics at the University of Massachusetts—Boston in 2004.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Marilyn believes in giving back to her community. Along with her husband, Alan, and close friends every year they raise money for research to find a cure for cancer for their local hospital, North Shore Medical Center. Marilyn, Alan, and their friends participate in a 10K walk around the City of Salem each year in June supported by their friends, colleagues, family members, and clients who contribute funds to sponsor them in the walk. North Shore Medical Center staff took care of Marilyn when she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2000 while she was attending Tufts University.

Please feel free to visit Marilyn’s website to get a sense of the impact of her work as an educational consultant and her commitment to giving back to her community.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review