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Author Profile

Peter DeVries | Chief Operating Officer, Destiny Solutions

Peter DeVries | Chief Operating Officer, Destiny Solutions

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2008, Peter DeVries has been the Chief Operating Officer at Destiny Solutions. Previously, DeVries was Senior Development Director at Infor, the third largest provider of enterprise applications and services. Prior to that, DeVries was Chief Technology Officer of Necho Systems, a venture-backed provider of enterprise expense processing solutions that was acquired by CyberShift.

DeVries also served as VP of Engineering and Business Development of Classwave Wireless, where he produced the industry’s first software to enable business services over Bluetooth™ and developed successful alliances with HP, Ericsson and other leading technology providers. DeVries also was VP, Engineering and Chief Operating Officer of The BullDog Group (acquired by EMC); President of Strategic Solutions; and held technical leadership positions at IBM and Mutual Life Insurance.

DeVries has authored numerous technical papers and is frequent speaker on object technology and content management.

Education, Honors and Achievements
DeVries holds a Bachelor of Mathematics degree with joint honors in Computer Science and Economics from University of Waterloo. He is also a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and Project Management Professional (PMP).

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