Opening New Instructional Sites: Four Best Practices to Support Success
— Co-written with Mike Ammons | Director of Adult Studies at the Durham Campus, North Carolina...
Evan Duff | President, North Carolina Wesleyan College
— Co-written with Mike Ammons | Director of Adult Studies at the Durham Campus, North Carolina...
Paige Francis | CIO and Vice President for IT, University of Tulsa
The defining feature of CIOs today is grit, which becomes critical as they and their IT teams shift...
Tim McKay | Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Physics, Astronomy and Education, University of Michigan
Adopting a collaborative mindset allows institutional leaders to learn for one another, creating...
Navneet Johal | Research Analyst for Education Technology, Ovum
The long-term survival of smaller colleges and universities is more threatened than ever before,...
Institutions today require more businesslike management strategies and mindsets, and they can look...
Richard Novak | Vice President for Continuing Studies and Distance Learning, Rutgers University
Market research capabilities, relationship-management technologies and improved data collection and...
Innovation is critical for the long-term success of colleges and universities today, but when...
Symbiosis is possible, but edtech corporations and higher education institutions must both engage...
Dave King | Associate Provost (Retired) and Professor Emeritus, Oregon State University
As higher education’s new era draws closer, it’s critical for institutional leaders to understand...
Continuing education units are uniquely placed to help drive their universities forward, but they...
Karen Gross | Senior Counsel, Finn Partners
The traditional recipe for a successful college or university no longer works—college and...
As higher education’s key audience becomes increasingly non-traditional, the role of continuing...