Looking to the Future: How New Technologies Can Transform Higher Education
Access to information and accessible classroom alternatives, like online and distance learning, are...
Maria Anguiano | Executive Vice President of Learning Enterprise, Arizona State University
Access to information and accessible classroom alternatives, like online and distance learning, are...
Tessa Forshaw | Researcher and Co-Founder of the Next Level Lab, Harvard University
In a time of uncertainty, while technology continues to evolve past what was once thought possible,...
The digital divide is a systemic issue. More than having access to devices, there is a need for...
Susan Grajek | Vice President of Communities and Research, EDUCAUSE
COVID sparked digital transformation for thousands of institutions, and those already adapting were...
Brian Wallace | President and Chief Executive Officer, Nowsourcing
As tuition costs rise to historical levels and students struggle to keep up, consider the wealth of...
Vicki Tambellini | CEO & Founder, Tambellini Group
Higher education was forced to turn to technological resources as the pandemic forced them off...
In order to drive change at a higher ed institution, which is often slow to do so, leaders need to...
The advent of COVID-19 is spurring innovation across higher education. But there is a common thread...
Nadia Kaminski | Retention Strategist of Extended Campus, University of Wisconsin
As we all still struggle to establish best practices under these new conditions, it is all the more...
Although travel is cancelled for the unforeseeable future, conferences can still be held—and at a...
Theresa Anderson | Business Analyst, University of Minnesota
While huge amounts of work go into planning conferences, that attention to detail must also be...
As institutions prepare for the fall semester, it’s important to keep student engagement fresh and...