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Vincent J. Del Casino Jr. | Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs, San Jose State University

Vincent J. Del Casino Jr. | Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs, San Jose State University

Current Position and Past Experience
Vincent Del Casino is currently Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs at San Jose State University. Prior, he was Vice President of Academic Initiatives and Student Success for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management at the University of Arizona. It was in that role where he would oversee programmatic and curricular development for online learning and plays a leadership in the expansion of digital learning experiences on campus more broadly.

Before taking up his post as Vice Provost and Associate Vice President, Del Casino was Associate Dean in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Arizona. He also is a Professor of Geography and Development with interests in social and cultural geography, health geography, geographic thought and history, sexuality studies, HIV/AIDS, and sexual and health politics in Southeast Asia and the United States.

He has collectively published five single-authored, co-authored, and edited books as well as over 30 articles and invited book chapters. He has held a Visiting Research Fellowship at The Australian National University and given numerous conference presentations and invited lectures at a number of national and international venues. He is currently co-PI on an Arizona Workforce Development Grant and a member of the editorial boards of Dialogues in Human Geography and Social and Cultural Geography.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Del Casino received his bachelor’s degree in International Relation and East Asian Studies from Bucknell University, and his master’s and PhD degrees in Geography from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Kentucky, respectively.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Vincent enjoys cooking with his kids on the weekend. When he is not working, he also enjoys travel, having lived in several countries outside the U.S. for parts of his life. While he doesn’t do it nearly enough, he really likes camping. To relax, he will often read science fiction books or, more easily, watch sci fi movies.

You can find Del Casino on Twitter @VDelCasino

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