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Rebecca Cooney | Director of Murrow Online Programs in the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication, Washington State University

Rebecca Cooney | Director of Murrow Online Programs in the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication, Washington State University

Current Position and Past Experience
Rebecca Cooney is a Clinical Associate Professor of Strategic Communication and Director of Murrow Online Programs at The Edward R. Murrow College of Communication at Washington State University. She is also a Research Associate for the Center of Excellence for Natural Product-Drug Interaction Research. Cooney has more than 25 years of professional experience. Prior to joining WSU in 2012, Cooney worked in higher education administration in leadership roles for marketing and university relations, business development, website coordination, and regional communication initiatives. She was also director of marketing for an international educational travel company and served as an adjunct professor at two universities. She started her career at a full-service ad agency and continues to grow in the areas of user experience design, integrated communication, brand strategy, and digital communications.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Cooney earned her B.A. in Organizational Communication from California State University Sacramento in 1995. In 2003 she completed her M.S. in Communication from Eastern Washington University. She is the 2019 recipient of The Oaks Award for innovation in teaching, a 2015 Scripps Howard Visiting Professor in Social Media partnered with The Sacramento Bee, and a 2014 Plank Center Educator Fellow partnered with Harley Davidson Motor Co.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
In addition to teaching, research, and administrative appointments, Cooney sits on several committees and councils and serves as a mentor to multiple students on special projects. Cooney and her husband are raising four children together and enjoy small-town living. She considers herself a lifelong learner and finds experiential learning opportunities to be the most beneficial and applicable to everything she does.

You can connect with Rebecca L. Cooney on LinkedIn

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