One Size Does Not Fit All: The Importance of Identifying Solutions on a Needs Basis
As different needs arise, and with the wide and expansive market of services available,...
Chris Megill | Associate Director of Technology Services, George Washington University
As different needs arise, and with the wide and expansive market of services available,...
Russell Battista Jr. | System Office Chief Information Officer, University System of New Hampshire
It’s irresponsible for leaders to purchase and implement a cloud-based system without doing the...
Joel Rosenblatt | Director of Computer and Network Security, Columbia University
When choosing between an in-house build and a service provider partnership for major systems,...
Bob Flynn | Manager of Cloud Technology Support, Indiana University
In today’s higher education marketplace, IT leaders should be looking to SaaS, PaaS and IaaS...
Rob Lowden | Associate Vice President of Enterprise Systems, Indiana University
Replacing a legacy management system with a highly functional, cloud-based on-demand system similar...
Deborah Gelch | Chief Information Officer, Lasell College
Moving to the cloud has inherent risks and challenges to go along with the benefits that must be...
Michael Hites | Chief Information Officer, Southern Methodist University
Cloud-hosted systems and services are creating lower-cost environments for higher education...
Jack Suess | Vice President of IT and CIO, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Defining a strategic approach to the cloud will help any college or university determine what...
Jeremy Stanton | Chief Digital Officer at the School of Continuing Studies, Georgetown University
Cloud tools alone aren’t enough to guarantee an institution’s agility or flexibility. An...
While the initial move to the cloud can create some expense for higher education leaders, those...
Moving to the cloud has a significant impact on staff satisfaction, which impacts the capacity for...
Abbie Lundberg | Contributing Editor for Analytic Services, Harvard Business Review
Hosting major systems and services in the cloud transforms the way IT teams operate and creates a...