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Author Profile

Steven Burrell | Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer, Northern Arizona University

Steven Burrell | Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer, Northern Arizona University

Current Position and Past Experience
Steven Burrell is the Chief Information Officer and Vice President for Information Technology at Northern Arizona University. Burrell is also a Member of the Board of Directors Sun Corridor Network. This followed nine years as Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer at Georgia Southern University. Burrell has held other leadership positions at Colorado State University, Hutchinson Community College, Plymouth State University and Saint Leo University.

He has 30 years of experience in higher education technology leadership. In addition, Burrell created a leadership development program for future CIO’s and education leaders called the Eagle Leadership Program.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Burrell earned his Bachelors of Science in Computer Science from Sterling College and his Masters in Education Technology from Plymouth State University. He earned his Education Specialist degree in Leadership and his EdD in Higher Leadership from Georgia Southern University. Burrell also earned a post-graduate certificate from Harvard University’s Institute for Education Management in 2015.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Burrell is the President of the Downtown Statesboro Rotary Club, serves on the Ogeechee Area Hospice Board of Directors, and participates on business and community committees for economic and education development.

He enjoys playing blues guitar, fly fishing and sport clay shooting

You can find Burrell on LinkedIn.

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