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Author Profile

Jeremy Stanton | Chief Digital Officer at the School of Continuing Studies, Georgetown University

Jeremy Stanton | Chief Digital Officer at the School of Continuing Studies, Georgetown University

Current Position and Past Experience
Jeremy Stanton has led the digital and technology strategy at Georgetown University’s School of Continuing Studies since 2011, most recently as the School’s Chief Digital Officer. In this role, Stanton is responsible for leveraging digital technology across each of the School’s functional units to create value and enhance the ability of the School to deliver on its mission. Prior to joining Georgetown, Stanton worked as a technology consultant to leading Higher Education institutions, Fortune 500 companies, and other non-profit organizations. Stanton has also brought his love of innovation, design, and entrepreneurial thinking to the creation of numerous Internet start-ups, including ArtSmart Projects Inc., a company he co-founded as CTO in 2011.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Stanton holds a bachelor’s in Industrial Product Design from the Emily Carr University of Art and Design, and an MBA with concentrations in Information Technology, Strategy, and Finance from New York University’s Stern School of Business. Stanton has also been a member of the American Mensa Society since 2005.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
In the rare moments when he isn’t working, Stanton enjoys exploratory road-trips with his family, reading-up on the latest developments in astrophysics and cosmology, fixing-up an old house in Northwest DC, and volunteering with the PTA at his daughter’s elementary school, where he is currently assisting the school with migrating to a new, cloud-based, website and content management application.

You can find Stanton on Linkedin.

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