From the Backroom to the Top of Mind: The Evolving Role of the Strategic CIO
As IT shifts from the back end of operations to the top of everyone’s mind, the role of the CIO...
Russell Battista Jr. | System Office Chief Information Officer, University System of New Hampshire
As IT shifts from the back end of operations to the top of everyone’s mind, the role of the CIO...
Russell Battista Jr. | System Office Chief Information Officer, University System of New Hampshire
When your starting point is ensuring that staff are able to provide the best level of service to...
Russell Battista Jr. | System Office Chief Information Officer, University System of New Hampshire
It’s irresponsible for leaders to purchase and implement a cloud-based system without doing the...
Russell Battista Jr. | System Office Chief Information Officer, University System of New Hampshire
Adopting service-oriented architecture in higher education IT practices ensures that all...
Russell Battista Jr. | System Office Chief Information Officer, University System of New Hampshire
Leading universities are turning to internal social networks to break down interdepartmental silos,...