Corporations and Colleges Must Evolve to Allow Badges to Transform Professional Education
Though valuable to identify and highlight specific skills and competencies, badges have a long way...
Sarah Frick | Lead Instructional Designer at Kenai Peninsula College, University of Alaska Anchorage
Though valuable to identify and highlight specific skills and competencies, badges have a long way...
Daniel Christian | Chief Learning Architect, Learning from the Living [Class] Room
Customized, personalized online courses will be standard by 2025, allowing students to pursue...
Robert Hill | Professor Emeritus, Nova Southeastern University
It’s critical that, as competency-based education becomes more common, it’s not defined and treated...
Robert Hill | Professor Emeritus, Nova Southeastern University
Higher education institutions have been transformed considerably as leaders strive to adapt to...
Courtland Chaney | Lead Customized Education Instructor, Louisiana State University
Customized training offers employers the opportunities to deliver critical and relevant information...
Online higher education creates new and exciting opportunities for non-traditional students to...
Robert Hill | Professor Emeritus, Nova Southeastern University
As competency-based approaches to degree completion become more common, it’s important to consider...
Steven Cooke | Assistant Professor, American Military University
Educators and adult students each have responsibility in ensuring students persist through their...
Karen Southall Watts | Contract Trainer, Pacific Community Resources Self-Employment Program
Adults seeking pathways to the labor market should not be so quick to dismiss a degree in the...
Providing new students with a workshop walking them through the PLA process accelerates their...
Leslie Hitch | Senior Faculty Fellow, Northeastern University
Greater collaboration between faculty and administrators, based on a foundation of common...
Theresa Gilliard-Cook | Instructional Designer, SUNY Oswego
Creating videos as assignments is a great way to push students to tap into their higher order...