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Author Profile

Elizabeth Matthews | Assistant Professor in the Center for Worker Education, City College of New York

Elizabeth Matthews | Assistant Professor in the Center for Worker Education, City College of New York

Current Position and Past Experience
Elizabeth Matthews currently serves as an Assistant Professor at the City College of New York’s Center for Worker Education.

Prior to this, Matthews worked as a developmental specialist in the Neonatal Follow Up Program at the Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital of New York. She has also served as Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education at Hunter College and as Executive Director of Project HAPPY, a non-profit program that provides recreational programming to children living with disabilities.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Matthews has a B.A. in Psychology from New York University, an M.A. in Education from Columbia University Teacher's College, a Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from the CUNY Graduate Center, and a Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Leadership from the University of Leicester.

Recent awards include the Provost’s Prize for Pedagogical Innovation and the President’s Award for Outstanding Faculty Service.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Matthews volunteers her time and skills for the Alliance for Women’s International Rights (AIWR), a program that provides mentoring and education for women and girls living in Kabul; and for Career Wardrobe, a non- profit program that provides support services for women seeking employment.

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