Authentic Learning: H.O.T. through Video Creation
Creating videos as assignments is a great way to push students to tap into their higher order...
Theresa Gilliard-Cook | Instructional Designer, SUNY Oswego
Creating videos as assignments is a great way to push students to tap into their higher order...
Theresa Gilliard-Cook | Instructional Designer, SUNY Oswego
Portfolios help students develop the metacognitive skills that are critical to the learning process...
Theresa Gilliard-Cook | Instructional Designer, SUNY Oswego
Discussion boards can be a very effective mechanism to promote authentic learning among students,...
Theresa Gilliard-Cook | Instructional Designer, SUNY Oswego
Integrating aspects of mastery testing into larger examination constructs will get away from...
Theresa Gilliard-Cook | Instructional Designer, SUNY Oswego
Authentic learning, when integrated appropriately into the existing curriculum, can revolutionize...
Theresa Gilliard-Cook | Instructional Designer, SUNY Oswego
Synchronous online instruction can be very different from face-to-face instruction, but with a few...