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Courtland Chaney | Lead Customized Education Instructor, Louisiana State University

Courtland Chaney | Lead Customized Education Instructor, Louisiana State University

Current Position and Past Experience
Courtland Chaney is currently the Lead Customized Education Instructor at Louisiana State University. He is a licensed industrial-organizational psychologist and consultant and has designed and taught supervisory and management development training programs under the auspices of Continuing Education at Louisiana State University since 1984.

Chaney worked for the University of Maryland European Division from 1980 to 1983 before accepting a position as an instructor in the LSU Department of Management. Chaney remained on the LSU faculty from August 1983 until December 2010, holding the J. Trigg and Bettye Baskin Wood Jr. Endowed Professorship at the time of his retirement.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Chaney received his doctorate in psychology from Louisiana State University in 1980.

Chaney received the University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA) South Region 2011 Faculty Award in recognition of his contributions to continuing professional education. The UPCEA south region includes twelve states, the US Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico."

Personal Details and Community Involvement
While Chaney considers his work a primary source of pleasure, he has long enjoyed international cultural exchange, foreign language study and travel as other diversions. His favorite vacation spots include Yellowstone National Park and South Dakota.

Courtland Chaney can be found on LinkedIn and through his website.

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