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Sarah Frick | Lead Instructional Designer at Kenai Peninsula College, University of Alaska Anchorage

Sarah Frick | Lead Instructional Designer at Kenai Peninsula College, University of Alaska Anchorage

Current Position and Past Experience
Sarah Frick is currently the Lead Instructional Designer at Kenai Peninsula College of the University of Alaska Anchorage.

Previously, Frick served as the Assistant Director of Professional Development for Academic Innovations & eLearning at the University of Alaska Anchorage, and as adjunct instructor for UAA’s Guidance 150: First Year Experience online course.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Frick completed her B.S. at Ohio University in 2002. In 2010, she completed a Graduate Certificate in E-Learning at the University of Alaska Anchorage. She earned her M.S. at the university in 2012.

She also earned an Online Teaching Certificate from the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) in 2014.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Sarah enjoys fishing and traveling in the great state of Alaska, and spending time with her two young children.

Sarah Frick can be found on LinkedIn. She’s also on Twitter @janesaid6.

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