Staying the Course: Engaging and Retaining Non-Traditional Students in Online Education
Creating a robust online learning environment for non-traditional students requires administrator...
Floralba Arbelo-Marrero | Assistant Professor of Education, Carlos Albizu University
Creating a robust online learning environment for non-traditional students requires administrator...
Brandon Martinez | Assistant Professor of Clinical Education, University of Southern California
For educators considering making the jump to teaching online, it’s worth preparing for the new...
Theresa Gilliard-Cook | Instructional Designer, SUNY Oswego
Portfolios help students develop the metacognitive skills that are critical to the learning process...
Karen Southall Watts | Contract Trainer, Pacific Community Resources Self-Employment Program
Collegial sharing of best practices and ideas is critical to the future strength and growth of...
Despite the attention that has been paid to postsecondary success of minority males over the past...
Mark Bowles | Professor, American Public University System
Educators can vastly enhance the learning experience for their online students by using widely...
David Collis | Professor of Business Administration, Harvard University
The changing higher education marketplace is forcing higher education institutions to change gears...
David Collis | Professor of Business Administration, Harvard University
As higher education transforms from a public good to a private good, it’s critical for institutions...
Theresa Gilliard-Cook | Instructional Designer, SUNY Oswego
Integrating aspects of mastery testing into larger examination constructs will get away from...
Di Xu | Assistant Professor in the School of Education, UC Irvine
Local context, student goals and earnings must all be taken into account when determining the...
Online learning is the wave of the future for higher education, but it’s critical that students...
Omid Fotuhi | Director of Learning Innovation, WGU Labs
By understanding and addressing the reasons non-traditional and underserved students struggle in...