Incubating Innovation: The Growing Role of Continuing Education on University Campuses
Sitting at the nexus of employees, learners and the main campus, Continuing or Extended Education...
J. Kim McNutt | Dean of the College of Extended and International Education, CSU Dominguez Hills
Sitting at the nexus of employees, learners and the main campus, Continuing or Extended Education...
Grant Aldrich | CEO and Founder,
The quality of accredited postsecondary programming has never been in doubt, but it’s critical for...
Scott DeRue | Dean of the Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan
As the nature of higher education evolves alongside the demands of students and their expectations...
Tracy Kittilsen | Manager of Extended Learning in the Faculty of Agriculture, Dalhousie University
Given their position at the cutting edge of innovation, universities have the potential and...
As a revenue-neutral administrative unit, University College’s Center for Online and Digital...
Partnering with a bootcamp provider allows non-traditional divisions to create new access pathways...
As technology continues to commoditize the delivery of knowledge, it’s critical that colleges and...
Beth Brunk-Chavez | Dean of Extended University, University of Texas at El Paso
While non-traditional divisions have historically sat on the outside of the institution looking in,...
John LaBrie | Dean and Associate Provost for Professional Education, Clark University
The process of launching an international branch campus is not without challenges and roadblocks,...
Elisa Robyn | Executive Director of Adult Outreach, Regis University
As the world changes—along with the expectations of key higher education stakeholders—it’s critical...
By expanding the strategic planning horizon from 10 to 20 years, Georgia Tech is positioning itself...
As the context and expectations of students continues to evolve, it’s critical for postsecondary...