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Karen Zannini Bull | Dean of the Division of Online Learning, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Karen Zannini Bull | Dean of the Division of Online Learning, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Current Position and Past Experience
Karen Zannini Bull is Dean of the Division of Online Learning at UNC Greensboro, a role she took on in 2019. This followed two years as Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for University College at Syracuse University.

Zannini Bull previously served as Interim Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Online Programs and Manager of Online Programs at University College. As Manager, she modernized the College’s interface with Syracuse University’s academic departments and functional units to identify high-priority online learning opportunities for converting existing courses and developing new credit- and non-credit courses. Bull also designed and launched the University Partners for Online Education Strategies (UP Online) Conference, a gathering of regional colleagues working in online education to share ideas, address common problems, and build a network for professional development.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Karen Zannini Bull holds a Ph.D. from the School of Education at Syracuse University, a Master of Education in Instructional Technology from the University of Maine, and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Allegheny College.

You can connect with Karen Zannini Bull on LinkedIn.

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