Mergers, Acquisitions and Partnerships in Higher Ed: A New Model
The transformation of the higher education sector predicted more than two decades ago is underway....
David Schejbal | President, Excelsior University
The transformation of the higher education sector predicted more than two decades ago is underway....
Amy Gaimaro | Dean of Innovative Delivery Methods, Molloy University
In a society full of individuals, there’s a natural importance put on freedom and...
Fred Anger | Assistant Dean of Business Operations, Toronto Metropolitan University
Long existing outside the institution, Continuing Education needs break out of its silo and secure...
Enrique Infanzon | Dean of Continuing Education, Miami Dade College
Higher education institutions serve a variety of learners, which requires offering a variety of...
Continuing education (CE) units are often seen as the innovative hubs of the institution. They’re...
Jason Pickavance | Provost for Academic Affairs, Salt Lake Community College
Alejandra Bueno | Executive Director of International Programs, Alamo Colleges District
A learner’s journey is never done. There’s a constant need to acquire new skills to keep up with...
Jack Suess | Vice President of IT and CIO, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Nathan Long | President, University of Western States
The value of higher education is being questioned—some would say, now more than ever. For...
Adam Fein | Vice President for Digital Strategy and Innovation, University of North Texas
Student centricity is more critical than ever in higher ed. To be successful, institutions must...
Siloing has been common practice at many institutions, but serving the modern learner means...
Mark Milliron | President, National University
Effective higher education requires strong collaboration among administration, leadership and...