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Author Profile

Alejandra Bueno | Executive Director of International Programs, Alamo Colleges District

Alejandra Bueno | Executive Director of International Programs, Alamo Colleges District

Current Position and Past Experience
Alejandra Bueno, serving as the Executive Director of International Programs at the Alamo Colleges District since 2019, has been pivotal in advancing global education achievements. Under her leadership, the Alamo Colleges won the prestigious Paul Simon Award from NAFSA in February 2024, recognizing her and her team's efforts in comprehensive internationalization and commitment to global engagement.

Before joining Alamo Colleges, Alejandra gained extensive experience in legal and international fields. She worked as an attorney at R&I Solutions and Cacheaux, Cavazos & Newton, handling a wide range of legal issues. Her governmental roles included representing the Texas Office of the Governor in South Texas and serving as Director for International Business within the Governor's Office. Alejandra's international expertise also spans roles in Mexico with federal agencies, including the Office of the President, the National Council for Science and Technology, and the National Council for Culture and Fine Arts, showcasing her broad impact on international affairs and education.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Bueno holds a Master in International Law from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and an LLM in American Law for Foreign Attorneys from The University of Texas School of Law. She is dually licensed to practice law in Mexico and in the US (by the State of NY)

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