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Author Profile

Evan Cortens | Dean of the Faculty of Continuing Education, Mount Royal University

Evan Cortens | Dean of the Faculty of Continuing Education, Mount Royal University

Current Position and Past Experience
Evan Cortens is currently Dean of the Faculty of Continuing Education at Mount Royal University and has been in the position since August 2023, after serving a year as Interim Dean. He has worked at Mount Royal University since 2016 in several positions, including Director, Institutional Research and Planning and Manager, Academic Initiatives.

Prior to coming to MRU, he was Manager of Business Development, Associate Editor and Senior Researcher at Academia Group, Inc.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Cortens holds a doctor of philosophy in Musicology from Cornell University. He also has a master of arts in Musicology from Cornell University and a master of music in Musicology from Boston University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Evan enjoys giving back to his community through volunteering on various boards, particularly for performing arts organizations. In his spare time, he enjoys skiing, cycling and curling.

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