Data and Medical Education: Reimagining Medical Instruction
By making use of freely available data, medical schools are creating opportunities for their...
By making use of freely available data, medical schools are creating opportunities for their...
Kelly Otter | Dean of the School of Continuing Studies, Georgetown University
The assumption that higher education’s status quo is working, and that there is no need for change,...
Elsa Núñez | President, Eastern Connecticut State University
Colleges and universities across the United States have a long way to go in creating environments...
Divisional transformations, when done right, can set an institution on the pathway for long-term...
Eloy Ortiz Oakley | President, College Futures Foundation
Expanding the promise of affordable higher education for everyone from the local and state level to...
Discovering and highlighting a niche can make all the difference for medical schools, which compete...
Ali Eskandarian | Dean of the College of Professional Studies, George Washington University
Branch campuses are still valuable for institutions looking to create access for geographically...
John Davis | Executive Director of Duke Corporate Education, Duke University
While online programming can help supplement or complement a robust executive-level customized...
Branch campuses, online and hybrid programming are all beneficial for different markets, so...
Both online and branch campus programs serve a unique purpose in that they deliver high-quality...
AThe medical education space has been slow in adopting online learning opportunities, but their...
Medical education is being virtualized by students through ad hoc methods. it’s time for...