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Author Profile

Marc Triola | Associate Dean for Educational Informatics at the School of Medicine, New York University

Marc Triola | Associate Dean for Educational Informatics at the School of Medicine, New York University

Current Position and Past Experience
Marc Triola, MD, FACP is the Associate Dean for Educational Informatics at NYU School of Medicine, the Founding Director of the NYU Langone Medical Center Institute for Innovations in Medical Education (IIME), and an Associate Professor of Medicine. Dr. Triola's research experience and expertise focuses on the disruptive effects of the present revolution in education, driven by technological advances, big data, and learning analytics. Dr. Triola has worked to create a 'learning ecosystem' that includes inter-connected computer-based e-learning tools and new ways to effectively integrate growing amounts of electronic data in educational research.

In previous roles at NYU, he has served as the Director of the Division of Educational Informatics, the Chief of the Section of Medical Informatics, the Associate Director of the Center for Health Information Preparedness, and the Director of Research for Advanced Educational Systems.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Triola received his BA from the Johns Hopkins University and MD at NYU School of Medicine. He completed residency training in Internal Medicine at NYU School of Medicine and subsequently served as Chief Resident for the Internal Medicine Training Program. He completed a Research Fellowship in Medical Informatics at Mount Sinai School of Medicine.

You can find Marc Triola on Twitter @marctriola. You can also find his Ted Talk, presented at the TEDMED conference, here. You can connect with Marc through his personal website.

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