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Author Profile

Nick Ducoff | Founder and CEO, Edmit

Nick Ducoff | Founder and CEO, Edmit

Current Position and Past Experience
Nick Ducoff is Founder and CEO of Edmit, a company that helps families confidently invest in college.

Prior to founding Edmit in 2017, Ducoff was Vice President for New Ventures at Northeastern University Global Network, leading a cross-functional team focused on incubating new business ideas, diversifying new revenue streams and advancing a new model of education.

Concurrently, Ducoff served as Founding Director of Level Education, an organization launched by Northeastern in October 2015.

Prior to joining Northeastern, Ducoff was the Vice President for Content and Operations at Boundless Learning, which followed two years as CEO of Infochimps.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Ducoff earned his BBA from Emory University’s Guizueta Business School in 2003. He earned his JD (Hons) from the University of Texas Law School in 2006.

In 2010, Infochimps—a company co-founded by Ducoff—was named one of the Rice University Alliance for Technology and Entrepreneurship’s Top Five Most Promising Companies. It was also named by Gartner as one of 2011’s Cool Vendors in Enterprise Information Management.

In 2015, HP added Ducoff to its Innovators Index.

You can find Ducoff on LinkedIn, Twitter @nickducoff. or on the web through his personal blog, Socializing.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt