COVID-19 Calls for Pivoting Towards Supporting Partners and Students
Offering scholarships, removing administrative barriers and taking creative approaches to...
Stephanie Hinshaw | Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs, American College of Education
Offering scholarships, removing administrative barriers and taking creative approaches to...
Robert Wensveen | Director of Business Operations, University of Calgary
Shifting to the remote learning and working environment is essential, but there are infrastructural...
Laurie Borowicz | President, Kishwaukee College
This new normal puts an expectation on colleges to be online-friendly for future incoming students....
Karen Muncaster | Dean of the Woods College of Advancing Studies, Boston College
Continuing ed divisions are a great resource for institutions developing a more efficient online...
Cathy Sandeen | President, CSU East Bay
Faculty who have been creative in their remote learning will come back with new innovative teaching...
John LaBrie | Dean and Associate Provost for Professional Education, Clark University
Ask faculty and staff for creative ways to keep the community engaged, like master classes. As...
James Baldwin | President, Excelsior College
As students and faculty transition to online classes and working from home, it’s important to...
John Woods | Chief Academic Officer and Provost, University of Phoenix
As Institutions are forced to pivot to a virtual learning model, that shift is mitigated when...
Maureen MacDonald | Dean of the School of Continuing Studies, University of Toronto
Moving classes online requires significant time and resources to train faculty to continuing...
Kenneth Hartman | Past President of Drexel University Online, Drexel University
Schools’ lack of preparedness during this global pandemic will have a negative financial impact on...
Laurie Quinn | Interim President, Champlain College
Higher education will emerge from the COVID-19 crisis stronger than before and more adaptable to an...
Michael Frasciello | Dean of the College of Professional Studies, Syracuse University
It’s important to distinguish the difference between remote and online learning to both faculty and...