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Author Profile

Kenneth Hartman | Past President of Drexel University Online, Drexel University

Kenneth Hartman | Past President of Drexel University Online, Drexel University

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Kenneth Hartman is an education consultant focused on the higher Dr. Kenneth E. Hartman is an educational entrepreneur, having served nearly four-decades as a university president, professor, senior academic administrator, and consultant to for-profit companies and investors in the higher education sector. Most recently, Dr. Hartman served as president of Drexel University Online and on the Board of the Online Learning Consortium.

Prior to joining Eduventures, Dr. Hartman was the president of Drexel University Online. He has also worked as a university professor, senior academic administrator and consultant at several leading universities.

Dr. Hartman has also worked as a syndicated newspaper columnist, television talk show host and as a commissioned officer in the United States Army.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dr. Hartman holds an undergraduate degree from The State University of New York at Geneseo. He also has a Master’s degree from Michigan State University and a doctorate in Higher Education Administration from the University of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Hartman has won several awards in his career, including the Excellence in Education Award from State University of NY at Geneseo, Educator of the Year from the University of Pennsylvania, Daily Point of Light Award from the Points of Light Institute, and the Leadership in Distance Learning Program Administration Award from the United States Distance Learning Association.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Dr. Hartman serves on several boards including the Board of Education of the Cherry Hill Public Schools and the Executive Board of the Online Learning Consortium (formally know as the Sloan Consortium).

When not on a college campus consulting with senior leaders, Dr. Hartman can be found on the golf course or enjoying time at the Jersey Shore.

Coming soon…Dr. Hartman will launch the “American’s Higher Education Highway” blog, where he will be commenting on current events inside and outside of higher education. You can reach him by email.

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