Supporting Working Adults at the Community College (Part 1)

In this time of economic uncertainty and incredible change in local and regional labor markets across the United States, it is increasingly important for postsecondary institutions to establish a clear connection between the academy and the workforce, especially for their students who are also working adults. Three ways that community colleges can establish such a connection include:
- Aligning educational programming to the labor market
- Blending the concepts and structures of education and training
- Scheduling classes to support student access and success
Non-Traditional is the New Normal
On the whole, postsecondary educational programming has been based on the notion that most incoming college students are primarily middle class, 18 years old, recent high school graduates enrolled full-time in a four-year college, who meet college-level standards of academic preparedness.
However, fewer than one in six undergraduate students now fit the archetype of a traditional college enrollee. This is especially the case with the employment patterns and class schedules of community college students. According to some estimates, 71 percent of community college students work while attending school, with 57 percent working more than 20 hours per week. Given these dynamics, it is important for community colleges to improve their delivery of professional and ongoing development programming for these working adults.
1. Labor Market Alignment
The best way colleges can support working adults is to offer programs that lead to gainful employment in the locale or region to begin with. In the song “I Know What I Know,” songwriter Paul Simon asks, “Who am I to blow against the wind?” When it comes to educational programming and alignment to the labor market, community college leaders should ask this very question.
Often times, community colleges offer “boutique” programs or jump on the latest program bandwagon without considering whether such programs align to the local or regional labor market. For instance, many colleges jump into the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) disciplines without first understanding what STEM looks like in terms of gainful employment for their graduates. Too often, STEM has been broadly interpreted to mean, “We need more engineers,” when perhaps the regional labor market calls for more instrumentation and automation technicians.
In this vein, community college leaders should examine the labor market statistics for their service areas and surrounding regions in collaboration with workforce development boards, economic development entities and chambers of commerce, and adjust their programming accordingly. Then, students would begin to see the value of college programming in terms of jobs that mean real wages and real opportunities. When students’ advancement in their current jobs and careers align to the education they receive from the local college, they are more likely to persist and succeed in their college program. In other words, relevancy matters.
This is the first of a two-part series. To read the conclusion, please click here.
Author Perspective: Administrator