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Lisa R. Braverman | Assistant Vice President of Workforce Credentialing and Community Impact, Mercy College

Lisa R. Braverman | Assistant Vice President of Workforce Credentialing and Community Impact, Mercy College

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Lisa R. Braverman is a national leader and innovator in the field of adult and online higher education with a longstanding career serving at public, private, and online colleges and universities. She has worked at the senior executive level there, providing pioneering leadership and successful growth strategies in distance, continuing, and international education, as well as strategic community and corporate partnerships.

Before working currently as Assistant Vice President for Mercy College, she served as Vice Provost of Academic and Faculty Affairs at Excelsior College, where as a core member of the Provost’s office, she advanced key strategic initiatives in academic affairs, curriculum and faculty development, college partnerships, and program innovation. Previous to this, she served as Dean and Assistant Professor of the Petrocelli College of Continuing Studies at Fairleigh Dickinson University, where she led a team of one hundred faculty and staff and twenty-five degree and certificate programs on campus, online and at FDU’s international campus. Before this, she served as Chief Academic Officer at the online Jones International University, Associate Provost for Adult Programs at Long Island University, Dean of Continuing and Professional Studies at SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology, and Dean of Extended Education at NY Institute of Technology.

Dr. Braverman has served in leadership positions in the major adult education associations, including on the Board of Directors of both the University Continuing Professional Education Association and the Association for Continuing Higher Education. She headed up UPCEA’s Leadership Commission and NY/NJ Regional Chair at ACHE in 2010. She is also certified by the Online Learning of the Online Learning Consortium’s Institute for Engaged Leadership, where she served as Lead Moderator and in Adult Learning Styles in the Online Classroom and Mastery of Online Pedagogy

Dr. Braverman is a consultant and published author, with a section on prior learning assessment in the recent award-winning book, Ever Upward: Building an Ecosystem to Support the Demonstration of Lifelong Learning. New Models of Higher Education: Unbundled, Customized, DIY, a chapter on blended completion programs in the Handbook of Research on Growing, Building, Sustaining Quality E-Learning Programs, many online articles and interviews, two journal articles in the Journal of Continuing Higher Education, as well as a chapter on the future of continuing higher education in New Horizons published by Jossey Bass. She holds a Ph.D. from New York University and is regularly invited to give presentations and moderate panels on transformative leadership, innovation, online learning and entrepreneurship in higher education.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dr. Braverman earned her PhD. in addition to an M. Phil and M.A. from New York University (NYU). She earned her BA from Brandeis University where she was honored to receive the Rotary International Ambassador of Good Will Scholarship to Peru. She has also received a NYU Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Fellowship to conduct research in Ecuador.

Dr. Braverman is the winner of the 2021 Association of Continuing Higher Education Individual Leadership award, reserved for outstanding leaders and pioneers in the field of continuing higher education a well as the recipient of its Award for Board Service.

She was the recipient of the 2015 Woman of Distinction proclamation awarded by NY State Assemblyman Tom McKevitt as well as honored by first lady Pat Hanover as the 1999 as a NY City Woman of Influence.

She was accepted to the Harvard Higher Education Institute in Institute for Management and Leadership in Education (MLE) in 2020 and has studied courses at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education in Equitable Student Success in Higher Education, Organizational Change in Uncertain Times: A Leadership Program for Higher Education, and Aligning Strategic Priorities with Financial Resources in Higher Education

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Dr. Braverman lives on Long Island where she hikes, bicycles, and spends time at the beach and with friends. Her interests include writing, leadership, Latin American archeology, international travel, women’s issues, interior design, scuba diving, and fitness. She speaks several foreign languages and enjoys swimming and listening to her favorite musician, Bob Dylan.

Dr. Braverman has a son graduating in the top 25 students at Stanford University with a dual major in physics and mathematics, having received an award for the top average in physics at Stanford in his junior year. He will be completing his master’s in computer science also at Stanford in 2024.

Dr. Braverman can be found on LinkedIn emailed at

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