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Author Profile

Tom Toolan | Senior Consultant, TJK Consultancy Services

Tom Toolan | Senior Consultant, TJK Consultancy Services

Current Position and Past Experience
Tom Toolan is currently the Senior Consultant at TJK Consultancy Services, a company he established in 2004 to provide business-focused consultation to business, education and professional development providers, as well as public organizations and private corporations.

Prior to this, Mr. Toolan served as the Assistant Principal at a Further and Higher Education College in the east of England where he was responsible for work-based learning, business development and marketing as well as Maritime, Offshore and Energy education. This followed his time as Head of Engineering & Employer Responsiveness at West Suffolk College, where he had also spent over a year as the department head and three years as a lecturer and curriculum manager.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Toolan earned his BA (Hons.) in Education from University Campus Suffolk (UCS) at West Suffolk College in 2010. He has earned his MIFL, FIMechE, MSOE and MIRTE accreditation as well.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Tom Toolan served for two years as Chair of Association of Colleges—Easton Region—Engineer Form and for three years as a member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers’ Engineering Technician Advisory Group and more recently the Institute’s Educational Advisory Committee.

Visit the TJK company website for more information.

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