I Judge People With Poor Grammar
A line in the sand needs to be drawn between qualitatively perfect and workforce-ready skills....
Jennifer Brown | Student Success Coordinator, The King's College
A line in the sand needs to be drawn between qualitatively perfect and workforce-ready skills....
Jennifer Brown | Student Success Coordinator, The King's College
There are a myriad of tools available for higher education administrators and educators looking to...
Jennifer Brown | Student Success Coordinator, The King's College
In order to set up an effective tutoring center, administrators should know what tools are...
Jennifer Brown | Student Success Coordinator, The King's College
Synchronous, online tutoring provides students the accessibility they desire to much-needed...
Jennifer Brown | Student Success Coordinator, The King's College
The internet allows educators to take on numerous courses across multiple departments and even...
Jennifer Brown | Student Success Coordinator, The King's College
While students are learners first and customers second, it is still important to deliver good...