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Three Roadblocks to Creating a Competency-Based Program (Part 2)

2. Downstream Challenge: New Currency Requires New Exchange Banks
No degree is an island, and for now competency-based degrees will live in a predominantly credit-based world.
On the surface, this is a simple mechanical process by which we map between courses and competencies. Competencies are, after all, nothing but a manifestation of the outcomes we aim to achieve in courses. Thanks to the many accreditation and assessment requirements academic curricula are subjected to, this information is widely documented. The outcomes of a calculus class, for example, can be packaged into three or four relatively independent and self-contained competencies. A student who receives an A grade in a calculus class can be assumed to have met every one of the four competencies. A student who can demonstrate mastery of all four competencies will be given credit for the calculus class.
Overall, a “currency conversion” system needs to be established so students can transfer into and from a competency-based system. It’s also necessary to enable graduates to apply to graduate schools and jobs that still require a numerical grade point average. This need will persist as long as we live in a predominantly credit-hour/grade system.
The competency-based currency is in fact a much more accurate and reliable currency because it reflects the learning attained by students rather than the quality or rigor of the class in which they have learned it. It therefore eliminates debates about whether College X’s calculus class is as good as College Y’s calculus class, or whether a B grade from College X is equivalent to a B grade in College Y.
The definition of competencies and the definition of what constitutes an acceptable mechanism to prove or document attainment become very important. The establishment of such a currency will require a considerable investment and will be a continuously evolving process. At the Purdue Polytechnic, we are engaging in a collective effort involving all units to define the currency and the conversion mechanism hand in hand and in partnership with all players.
3. Inward Challenge: New Language Requires New Thinking
One of the touted benefits of learning new languages is that they open the door to different lines of perception and thinking. Conversely, these benefits are conditional upon directly thinking in the new language rather than reasoning in the native language and translating to the new one.
The same goes for competencies. The full benefits of a competency-based system come from thinking, designing, delivering and assessing in terms of competencies. This requires that we relinquish counting variables we fully control (faculty time, student hours) and focus on things that are desired but not controlled (students’ learning). This is a cultural transformation and a leap of faith in the students’ intrinsic motivation and ability to take the lead role in their education. The role of the faculty becomes to support and coach the student; the students take an increasing role in defining the content and speed of their learning.
At the Purdue Polytechnic, the faculty who have designed the curriculum have spent half a year in faculty development, primarily through discussions and debates. The faculty development is an ongoing process. This is a very important paradigm shift.
Overall, there are infrastructural challenges and we need to make initial investments to address them. The most important investment of all is a mind shift and cultural transformation around the role of the students in learning and the role of faculty and administrators in supporting them.
Author Perspective: Administrator