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Author Profile

Gregory Crawford | President, Miami University

Gregory Crawford | President, Miami University

Current Position and Past Experience
Gregory P. Crawford is the 22nd president of Miami University. He previously served as Vice President and Associate Provost at the University of Notre Dame focusing on their Silicon Valley efforts, Dean of the College of Science at the University of Notre Dame, and Dean of Engineering at Brown University. As Professor of Engineering and Physics at Brown University (1996-2008) and as Professor of Physics at Brown University (2008-2016), he focused on photonics and optics for display and medical applications.

An entrepreneur at heart, he co-founded two biotechnology companies, one based on a photonics device to measure hemoglobin non-invasively and the other a drug discovery platform to measure forces on muscle tissue. He has participated in many entrepreneurship programs as architect, faculty, and leader at all the institutions he has served.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Crawford holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Physics, a Master’s in Physics, and Bachelor’s degrees in Mathematics and Physics from Kent State University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Crawford and his spouse Dr. Renate Crawford share a passion for exercise. At Miami University, they lead ongoing fitness programs for students and community members, spin-in movies, exercise bootcamps (tabata-like), runs with the Crawfords, and community yoga. Crawford also is a strong supporter of Miami’s yearly women’s basketball game—Love, Honor, Cares—to support those suffering from cancer in the community. This is a passion he has pursued at Notre Dame as well as through Pink Zone for many years. Prior to joining Miami, Crawford made five annual cross-country bicycle rides in 2010-2015 to raise money and awareness for the rare childhood disease Niemann Pick Type C for the Ara Parseghian Medical Research Foundation.

You can connect with Greg on Twitter and LinkedIn

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review