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Student Needs Come First
New programming is a persistent challenge for all continuing higher education (CE) units whether in a community college or flag-ship University. From the perspective of senior campus leadership, new programming often equates to more dollars; to the academic unit it equals more work; and for the CE unit it means meeting the campus’ expectations. The topic of ‘student needs’ is often left out of this discussion. It begs the question, “what is the real reason new programming is important?”
Most seasoned CE administrators understand there are many different perspectives that are alive and well on campuses when it comes to new programming and the potential of new or additional revenue. My sense is that this prospective new revenue often clouds the decision making process and frequently marginalizes the ‘student needs’ aspect. In this era of reduced funding from states, foundations/endowments, and other internal campus sources, the lure of new money is a real attention getter! But… be careful!
I think we all recognize that new and more vibrant revenue streams are important to the entire campus. However, when the new revenue comes from potential new CE programming, caution must be exercised. We know that the concept of ‘build it and they will come’ infrequently works in the CE and higher education world. I would be preaching to the choir to note that research, environment scanning, analysis, and bench marking must first be completed for any new programming effort. This business aspect must be thoroughly explained and discussed with campus leadership so that they understand the risks as well as the potential rewards. This is an important step that the CE administrator must assure. If there is a ‘student needs’ component in the review and it is positive, reliable, and optimistic… the potential success of a new revenue stream is greatly enhanced. We must be careful not to allow the band wagon effort to influence new programming decisions.
Another task to address in order to meet student needs is to determine whether the program is best delivered in a face-to-face or online mode. There is another band wagon effort present throughout CE units regarding new programming: online is the only way to go. Maybe! Certainly there are a lot of major successes with online delivery of program courses. Students make their choices as indicated by registrations. Many adult students learn that online courses better meet their life style balance of education, work, and family. But online delivery does not meet the needs of all programs and students. This is another area that requires assessment, evaluation, and research.
A further concern regarding student needs is to allow new program development to be influenced only by the desires of campus senior leadership, the needs of the academic department, or faculty members’ wishes. All have favorite projects and aspirations based upon independent factors that could result in lost resources, both time and money, and potentially place the CE unit and the campus in financial jeopardy. Appropriate assessment, evaluation, and research are really important.
Despite both the pressures and potential rewards to develop new programming and grow revenues, CE administrators must be vigilant to assure that student needs remain a high priority when considering new programs. The likelihood of new programming success and new revenues is much higher when student success is adequately addressed.
Author Perspective: Administrator