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Helping Middle-Skilled Workers Find a Job (Part 2)

Preparation and Pathways to Education for Middle-Skilled Jobs
Education access is important whether it is through federal training programs, state training programs or higher learning institutions — traditional or non-traditional. As stated in Massachusetts’ Forgotten Middle-Skill Jobs Report, “educational access must reflect the demands of a 21st-century economy and the realities of the 21st-century workforce” (2010, p. 5).
Educational training should directly focus on job readiness. While states should focus on job and skills training programs, job seekers should have a personal development plan to prepare themselves with new skills, too. Community colleges are avenues for middle-skilled workers to gain work training. Other arenas for middle-skill workers to be educated are apprenticeships, four-year higher education institutions, formal on- or off-site job training, industry training programs and vocational certification programs (Holzer & Lermans, 2009). In addition, workers should pursue non-traditional means of increasing their knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies. Non-traditional means of education includes blogs, YouTube videos, social media technology and wikis.

Desirable Work Habits
Desirable work habits refer to characteristics that help employees gain employment and remain employed. Another term for desirable work habits is “work ethic.” Schwartz (1995) wrote that “Young people need certain kinds of skills called ‘job readiness skills’ in order to get and keep a job” (p.3).
Continuous Education and Middle-Skilled Workers
Cooper disclosed an ecological framework wherein literacy is labeled as motion and pursuit, and in which individuals are recurrently engaged with diverse socially-established systems (1986). Technology is a significant system of this ecology (DeVoss, McKee, & Selfe, 2009). Within technology sits digital literacy. Through Cooper’s framework leading to technology, then digital literacy, we find continuous education. Middle-skilled workers should become students of continuous learning to keep abreast of the latest technology tools, sites and terminology.
Middle-skilled workers may or may not work in a technologically challenging environment. Two schools of thought should be considered. The first is that middle-skilled workers working within a technological environment should focus on changes and updates weekly. The second is that middle-skilled workers not working in the technology arena may want to review the latest changes on a monthly basis. These two given timeframes to review technology are not researched; they are hypotheses that need further research and testing. The overarching notion here is the need for a consistent timeframe to ensure middle-skilled workers keep abreast of technology and limit their knowledge gaps that could hurt continued employment.
Kazanas, in a study on effective work competencies for vocational education, concluded the research with the message that a connection void exists between educational institutions and work organizations regarding skills institutions are teaching learners and the skills employers are seeking (1975). This researcher’s document works to bring a current focus on middle-skilled workers and the knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies needed to needed to navigate the 21st-century’s job market. Technology reigns in both traditional and non-traditional education which beckons to middle-skilled workers to harness a renewed resolve to adapt and flourish.
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