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Author Profile

Sharon Burton | Director of Publishing Initiatives, American Meridian University

Sharon Burton | Director of Publishing Initiatives, American Meridian University

Current Position and Past Experience
Sharon Burton is currently the Director of Publishing Initiatives at the American Meridien University. Prior to this, Burton served as the Global Products and Service Training Manager at Laureate Education. This followed a year where she served as a Human Capital, Learning and Communications Professional with Booz, Allen and Hamilton. She also served as a Learning and Human Capital Project Manager with Serco NA International.

Burton has also served as a Consultant and Change Management specialist with a number of firms.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Burton earned her BA in Criminology from Florida State University in 1984. In 2006 she earned a pair of MBAs from American InterContinental University focused on Operations Management and Human Resources.

She is currently working toward a DBA in Quality and Performance at the National Graduate School of Quality Management, and expects to earn her degree in 2014.

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