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Rosalyn Pursey | Senior Producer and Instructional Designer, CADRE

Rosalyn Pursey | Senior Producer and Instructional Designer, CADRE

Current Position and Past Experience
Rosalyn Pursey has been Senior Producer and Instructional Designer at CADRE since 2008. Her projects have included the development of a national learning object repository in mental health, online induction programs for financial and mining companies, video-based learning resources for University students and learning objects to accompany textbooks.

In 2012 she was involved in the launch of Tribe Mechanics, a group focused on design thinking in education. She is the co-presenter of ‘The Stream’, a regular podcast on learning design and learning designers.

She has also consulted on online learning, community building and social media since 2006, working pro-bono for projects in the arts and for community organisations.

Rosalyn spent a year as the eLearning Professional Development Manager at the University of New South Wales, and prior to that she was the Senior Educational Designer at the University of Sydney. She has also held the position of Project Migration and Training Coordinator at the University of New South Wales during the roll out of a new Learning Management System.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Rosalyn earned her Bachelor of Business from the University of Technology in Sydney in 2001. In 2002 she earned her Certification IV from Macquarie Community College. In 2006 she earned her MA in Online Learning from the University of Technology in Sydney.

You can find Pursey on Twitter @tribemechanics and @Rozpursey.

Articles by this author:

Driving modern student success in higher ed