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Author Profile

Rhonda Stabler | Apprenticeship Manager, ABC

Rhonda Stabler | Apprenticeship Manager, ABC

Current Position and Past Experience
Rhonda Stabler is currently the Apprenticeship Manager with the Associated Buildings and Contractors. Before this, Stabler was a Student Services Advisor and a member of Faculty at MedTech College between 2010 and 2012. Prior to this, Stabler served as the Coordinator of the Nursing Department at the University of Saint Francis.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Stabler earned her Master’s degree in Management from Indiana Wesleyan University in 2009. She also earned her Bachelor’s degree in Science Marketing from Indiana Wesleyan University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Rhonda has four children, has lived in Fort Wayne most of her life and been an active member of her church; singing in the choir, as a soloist and Sunday School teacher. She has been a public speaker and consultant for many years within the tri-state area. She has worked in manufacturing settings to sales to at the present education where she believes she has found her niche.

Rhonda has been an active member of Autism Speaks for many years. Her oldest son was diagnosed with Autism when he was four and since then she has championed autistic children through involvement with Autism Speaks, The Autism Research Center and local schools IEP committees.

Rhonda has also been an active member of the American Red Cross: Go Red for Women since 2010.

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