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Author Profile

Paul Marca | Principal, Parallax Global Advisors, LLC

Paul Marca | Principal, Parallax Global Advisors, LLC

Current Position and Past Experience
Paul Marca is currently Principal at Parallax Global Advisors, advising organizations on education strategy, portfolio development and lifelong learning. Prior, he was at Stanford University for 32 years serving in a variety of leadership roles including Associate Vice Provost before retiring in October of 2020. He also served as Executive Director of the Stanford Center for Professioanal Development, a pioneer in developing online education programs for industry. Marca also spent four years as the Director of Stanford Media Works, developing broadcast quality media programs.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Marca holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from Stanford University. He has done post graduate study in innovation and leadership.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Marca currently serves as First Vice President for the International Association for Continuing Engineering Education (IACEE), a non-profit focused on lifelong learning worldwide. He also serves as a member of the Board of Trustees for the American University of Phnom Penh.

You can connect with Paul on LinkedIn

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt