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Author Profile

Jay Halfond | Professor of the Practice, Boston University

Jay Halfond | Professor of the Practice, Boston University

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 1997, Jay Halfond has been with Boston University. For a dozen of those years, Halfond served as the Dean of Boston University’s Metropolitan College. Prior to that, Halfond was the Associate Dean of the College of Business Administration at Northeastern University.

Halfond’s career began at Harvard in 1974, where he held a number of administrative positions including Associate Registrar.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Halfond earned his bachelor’s degree magna cum laude from Temple University in 1973, his master’s degree from Brandeis University in 1974 and his PhD from Boston College in Higher Education Administration in 1981.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Halfond is also affiliated as a Research Fellow at Bentley University’s Center for Business Ethics as a Faculty Associate with the Pardee Center for the Longer-Range Future. He is on the advisory board of Inversant.

For more of Halfond’s writing, please see his work on The Huffington Post and The New England Journal of Higher Education.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review