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Hunt Lambert | Dean of Continuing Education and Extension, Harvard University

Hunt Lambert | Dean of Continuing Education and Extension, Harvard University

Current Position and Past Experience
Hunt Lambert is currently the Dean of Continuing Education and Extension at Harvard University, a position he took in 2013. Prior to this, Lambert served for four years as the Associate Provost of OnlinePlus, the distance education segment of Colorado State University’s Division of Continuing Education. OnlinePlus offers 34 degrees and serves 7,500 students annually. This followed Lambert's four years as the Associate Vice President of Economic Development at CSU. In this time, he was one of the founders and interim CEO of a new 100% online public university, CSU Global Campus. From 2002-2005, Lambert served as the Director of CSU’s Entrepreneurship Center.

Lambert also has significant experience with start-ups in the private sector. Overall Lambert has helped start 40 companies in 12 countries, 25 in industry and 15 from university research labs.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Lambert earned his BA in Business and Psychology from Colorado College in 1980. Five years later, he earned his Masters of Science in Management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Sloan School of Management.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Lambert is broadly involved in public nonprofit enterprises and has sat on more than a dozen boards across startups, public companies, non profits and public entities. He is committed to bringing more high quality, public assess priced higher education to the world.

You can find Lambert on the web through his LinkedIn profile.

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Driving modern student success in higher ed