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Author Profile

Carolyn Young | Director of Continuing Studies, Western University

Carolyn Young | Director of Continuing Studies, Western University

Current Position and Past Experience
Carolyn Young became the Director of Continuing Studies at Western University in 2010. Prior to this, she had been with the university for 13 years, serving with Western Retail Services.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Young earned her undergraduate degree from Western University’s Huron College in 1982. In 2008, she earned her MA in Professional Communication from Royal Roads University. She has also done a number of continuing education courses and earned professional certificates in Communications and Public Relations and Adult Education.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
In the summer of 2012, Young attended the École de langue française in Trois-Pistoles, Québec. It was a wonderful and rewarding experience speaking French for the entire week.

She is married and has three sons—all grown up and currently not on the family payroll! Her favorite past times are cycling, reading and tree appreciation.

You can find Young on Twitter @c2young or on LinkedIn.

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