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Recognizing the Excellence of NCCET Members

New to this role within NCCET, I feel thoroughly challenged to make a difference with what this amazing organization has already initiated.
And when it looked like we might not be able to implement the National Exemplary Awards Program in time for the new December date, that seemed like a real problem to me.
I am the incredibly proud father of two. My son and his wife are expecting, so my first grandchild will arrive within the next week or so and I may never be the same (Grin). Meanwhile my daughter is also gifted enough to have been chosen for this most recent class of the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Children and Family Fellowship®, an award I was unfamiliar with until she brought it to my attention.
A recent article on the 15 leaders in this group stated that, in spite of the fact that they are addressing a broad range of professional interests (including “education, child welfare and juvenile justice, workforce development, housing and community development”), they share a core set of values. The first of that list of values is “the people closest to the problem should drive the solutions.”
NCCET is in a unique position to do exactly that. We can inspire and enable outstanding educators and administrators in higher education to share solutions to critical issues that all of our schools are either struggling with today…or should be struggling with. By holding up what we identify as best practices in specific areas of curriculum, staff development and revenue generation, we can at the very least drive the conversation.
We will have some schools that will look at the program award winners and seek to emulate these programs within their schools. Others will be driven to take a hard look at their own circumstances. Still others will at least think about it.
In every case, we all win! We can’t wait to see the results of these nominations and we will invite all of the award winners to share their stories in breakout sessions, published interviews, and white papers.
NCCET’s membership includes experts in the fields of continuing education, workforce education and contract training whose talents and successes often go unrecognized beyond their local college service areas. NCCET strives to identify and honor these professionals through our annual National Exemplary Awards Program.
Exemplary Program Award
NCCET members and member colleges have the opportunity to nominate peers (or themselves) for an Exemplary Program Award. Nominations will be reviewed by a committee of NCCET Board members and other NCCET members who will select outstanding programs in the following categories.
Categories for National Exemplary Program Awards Nominations
Nominations must be submitted within one of the following categories:
- Marketing and Revenue Initiatives
- New Workforce Development Curriculum
- Staff Professional Development
Describe as thoroughly as possible why this program should be considered as exemplary in the designated category. In addition, as a program that is intended to be offered as Best Practices to the NCCET membership, please explain how this program meets the awards criteria.
National Exemplary Program Awards Criteria
- Sustainability: If start-up funding was utilized, how well has the program progressed to self-sustaining status following the initial start-up?
- Replicability: Considering the program’s track record, what is the potential for it to be successfully duplicated at other colleges across the country?
More than one nomination may be submitted by a college; however, a separate form must be completed for each entry. Current or past NCCET board members are eligible for this award (exclusive of the current NCCET President).
The top finalists will be recognized at the conference and are therefore expected to be in attendance at the current year’s NCCET Annual Conference. The winner will be announced and recognized at the Orlando conference.
Author Perspective: Community College
Author Perspective: Association