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Author Profile

William Ryan | Consultant and Former Executive Director of Learn on Demand, Kentucky Community and Technical College System

William Ryan | Consultant and Former Executive Director of Learn on Demand, Kentucky Community and Technical College System

Current Position and Past Experience
William J. Ryan, PhD is the Principal Consultant of Ryan Consulting, LLC. He consults with organizations on learning and performance needs. His expertise is in distance learning and competency-based programs.

He was the Executive Director of the Learn on Demand online competency program at the Kentucky Community & Technical College System (KCTCS), a VP of Education for a regional home health company and has held positions as National Leader for Curriculum and Technology Solutions with Humana Inc., serving a global learning community focused on performance improvement.

He has been a VP for Technology/CIO at Lakeland Community College and worked for Westinghouse and IBM in learning technology roles.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Ryan holds a M.S. from Ithaca College focused on Instructional Design, and a Ph.D. in Computing Technology in Education from Nova Southeastern University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Ryan volunteers at the Jewish Family & Career Services where he has been a member of the board and still contributes to working with members of the Louisville community focused on workforce and career development. Otherwise he can also be found sailing on the Ohio River and planning with his wife the next ski trip out west with his twin daughters.

Ryan can be connected with on Twitter @WmJRyan and on LinkedIn. Please also click through to learn more about Ryan Consulting, LLC.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt