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Future-Proofing the Credentialing Ecosystem: Bringing Microcredentials Into the Fold

The concept of microcredentialing has gained momentum over the past year—making its way into everything from policy discussions to University senate meetings and decisions. Of course, in the Continuing Education space, microcredentialing is nothing new. But its prominence and potential poses new challenges and opportunities for folks in the CE space. Rather than working in parallel with the rest of the institution, there’s an opportunity for CE units to create more integrative credentialing frameworks that intersect with the main campus… and potentially the rest of the country.
This panel explores the topic of microcredentialing from a range of diverse perspectives to shine a light on where we are and where we need to go to mainstream microcredentials. Perspectives include that of a senior leader who has worked in an environment with a an established national microcredentialing framework, a consultant who has assessed various microcredentialing platforms to understand the infrastructural requirements, an employer building their own microcredentialing network to support upskilling and reskilling, and a regulator who focuses on quality assurance for creative academic programming.
Author Perspective: Administrator